Vault Backup Job#

Note: This document explains the backup job and how it works. If you are looking to restore vault using a backup snapshot. Please read restore vault docs.

We periodically back up the Vault instance deployed on Smaug.

The process leverages the vault operator raft snapshot command, see Vault docs on more details here.

All configuration files can be accessed at this location.

The backup job is a tekton TaskRun, that consists of 3 steps:

  • Create a vault snapshot using vault operator raft snapshot save...

  • Sync this snapshot to back up stores (currently we back up to an OBC and PVC)

  • Clean up old Task Run jobs (we retain a capped number of jobs).

The TaskRun is submitted periodically via a CronJob. The Frequency of this Job can be adjusted by directly updating the CronJob manifest.

Other configurations are also exposed via the config secret manifest. This secret should be updated directly on the live cluster, as it is not managed by ArgoCD (it would create a circular dependency on Vault).

The TaskRun Step that creates the snapshot does so by directly running commands from the Vault leader pod, this is due to a snapshot bug, requiring that we take the snapshot from the leader node.

Add another s3 bucket to back up vault in#

Identify a unique prefix <bucket-prefix> for your bucket. The prefix can be whatever you would like, as long as it’s unique and does not collide with other prefixes in the configurations. We will refer to this prefix as <bucket-prefix>.

Navigate to backupjob-task. Append the task.spec field with the following entry:

    - name: backup-snapshot-to-s3-<bucket-prefix>
      workingDir: /workspace
      onError: continue
        - '/utility-scripts/'
        - $(workspaces.snapshots.path)
        - <bucket-prefix>

If appending, do not add onError: continue for the final entry, but ensure that the preceding entries have this set. We do not currently have alerts configured to notify us when sync job fails, but we also don’t want to fail the entire job because of issues with backup to one bucket. A workaround is to let the last one fail the task if the step fails. Making it visible from the namespace view that something is wrong. If all steps have onError: continue set then all bucket syncs could fail, and the task may still show as a success.

In the snippet above, replace <bucket-prefix> with your chosen prefix.

Navigate to the backup-config secret within the Vault ocp namespace. Find this here.

Add the following entries:

<bucket-prefix>-s3AccessKey: ""
<bucket-prefix>-s3SecretKey: ""
<bucket-prefix>-s3BucketName: ""
<bucket-prefix>-s3EndPoint: ""
<bucket-prefix>-s3Retention: ""  # e.g. 1d

Note: this must be done on live, because we do not maintain this secret in git, to do so would require to use ESO with vault, and that would introduce a circular dependency on the vault backup job.
