Get access to ArgoCD#

Our ArgoCD instance is configured to be accessed read only anonymously.

Get Admin Access#

If you need admin level read/write access, add your GitHub handle to this group

NOTE: All github handles MUST be added in lower case to either of these files, or else it will cause issues.

CLI access#

Download the ArgoCD CLI and login to the ArgoCD instance using the following command:

argocd login --sso

Now you e.g. list projects via argocd proj list or list applications via argocd app list. To find out wether an application has auto sync for its sync policy enabled, check the Sync Policy column in the output of argocd app list or inspect the json output of argocd app get <app-name> -o json.

$ argocd app get cluster-resources-jerry -o json | jq '.spec.syncPolicy'
  "automated": {
    "prune": true,
    "selfHeal": true
  "syncOptions": [

$ argocd app get cluster-resources-smaug -o json | jq '.spec.syncPolicy'
  "syncOptions": [