Add Kafka Users#

We manage access to Kafka Topics in our Kafka instance using the KafkaUser resource.

To add a new KafkaUser, create a new KafkaUser resource within the kafka/overlays/smaug/users sub directory.

Replace my-user with a preferred name.

# my-user.yaml
kind: KafkaUser
  name: my-user
    type: tls
      # Using a topic name prefix
      - host: '*'
        operation: All
          # this will give user access to all topics with the "my-topic." prefix
          name: my-topic.
          patternType: prefix
          type: topic
        type: allow
      # Using a topic name literal
      - host: '*'
        operation: All
          # this will give user access to only the topic named "my-topic.1"
          name: my-topic.1
          patternType: literal
          type: topic
        type: allow
      # Only clients using group ids with "my-group." prefix will have access to the topics
      - host: '*'
        operation: All
          name: my-group.
          patternType: prefix
          type: group
        type: allow
    type: simple

You need a group id that has access to your topic to be able to consume from it, so make sure that you have at least one group with access to your topics. To learn more about how consumer groups work here is a tutorial.

The label should have the value odh-message-bus.

Pick a suitable name, ensure that it’s unique in the users folder.

Save this file under kafka/overlays/smaug/users/my-users.yaml.

Then add it to kafka/overlays/smaug/users/kustomization.yaml by running the following:

$ cd kafka/overlays/smaug/users
$ kustomize edit add resource my-user.yaml

If you don’t have kustomize then simply add this file manually.