Operate First Documentation and Training

GitOps, cloud native, managed service, Open Source, and so many other concepts are central to the Operate First purpose. But people understand and use these terms to mean slightly or wildly different things. In Operate First we recognize the need to establish a baseline understanding of these concepts for users and project members, but also for the entire Open Source ecosystem.
Operate First Documentation and Training
Here you can find resources for understanding how these concepts — from the foundational to the deeply specific — actually work in the Operate First project. We're beginning with the foundational documentation and training while the broader community organically creates and maintains area-specific content.
Unified Operate First Glossary of Terms (link coming soon)

Developer Documents

Quick Start Guide for Open Source Developers (link coming soon)

Community Cloud Users Documents

Document Name (existing documents available, links coming soon)

Data Science Documents

Document Name (existing documents available, links coming soon)

Training Courses